December 24, 2023: Light Up the Dark

John 3:16-21

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

Light Up the Dark

Mike Giesenhagen

December 24, 2023

John 3:16-21


  1. Icebreaker: What is your favorite Christmas tradition?  How do you remember Christ in your Christmas traditions?

  2. What does it mean that God loves us?  What words would you use to describe his love for us?

  3. How easy is it for you to receive God’s love?  What thoughts or ideas might make it difficult to think that God loves you?

  4. When you think of light against darkness, what does that look like?  What does the bible teach us about who the light is?

  5. How does God determine who should be saved?  What is the difference between the light and darkness?

  6. How does Christmas demonstrate his plan for salvation?  How does it bring us hope in this world?

December 17, 2023: God with Us

Philippians 2

God with Us

Mike Giesenhagen

December 17, 2023

Philippians 2:1-11

Step 1:  ___________ the _________ of _____________

A.  He _________________________ _______________.

B.  He _____________________ ___________________.

C. He ____________ _________________ ___________.

Step 2: ___________ the ___________ of _____________.

Step 3: ___________ in the ___________ of ___________.


  1. Icebreaker: Who is someone you know that is great with children?  What behaviors do you see that help them with kids?

  2. How are you encouraged by Christ this Christmas season?

  3. What does humility look like when we interact with others?  How can we live humbly?

  4. How does Jesus demonstrate his care for others in the incarnation?  What is it that he has given up to dwell among us?  What is unique about the birth of our king of kings?

  5. How does Jesus’s life demonstrate his love for his people? 

  6. How can we love others like Jesus did this Christmas season?  What would that look like?  Who might you be able to love and encourage in your sphere of influence?

  7. What is your favorite way to celebrate the birth of Christ?

December 10, 2023: Our Reason for Joy

Daniel 11

Our Reason for Joy

Mike Giesenhagen

December 10, 2023

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

1.  ______________  __________________.

2.  __________ ________________________.

3.  __________ __________ in Every _______________.

4.  For This is the ___________ of _____________...

5.  ________ You ________ Christ Jesus.


  1. Icebreaker: What is your favorite thing about the Christmas season?

  2. Contextual Study: Acts 17:1-10.  How long did Paul, Silas, and Timothy stay in Thessalonica?  What type of ministry did they do?  Why did they leave?

  3. How can joy be an active verb?  What does it mean to “rejoice”?  What does it mean to “enjoy”?  What does it mean to “be joyful”? How are they the same?  How are they different?

  4. What would unceasing prayer look like?  How would this be possible?

  5. What drives an attitude of thankfulness?  What can stand in the way of us being thankful?

  6. How does the phrase “For this is the will of God” strike you?  What type of action does it prompt in you?  What feelings emerge when you hear that?

  7. How does Jesus free us to rejoice, pray, and give thanks?  How does the birth of Christ remind us of these things?  What does it tell us about who God is?

December 3, 2023: Our Source of Strength

Daniel 10

Our Source of Strength

Mike Giesenhagen

December 3, 2023

Daniel 10-12

1.  The World Can ____________________ __________

2.  ____________  is the _________________.

a.  Jesus Is ___________________________

b.  Jesus is ___________________________

c.  Jesus ____________ your ___________

d.  Jesus ______________ for _________

e.  Jesus is ___________________________


  1. Icebreaker: Have you ever felt overwhelmed in a season of life?  How did you respond?  How effective was that response?

  2. Contextual Study: Ezra 1-4.  What was happening in Israel at the time of Daniel’s vision in Daniel 10?

  3. How did Daniel seek the LORD in his time of distress?

  4. How was Daniel challenged by his experience in Daniel 10?

  5. How was Daniel encouraged during his experience in Daniel 10?

  6. What can Daniel 10 teach us about how to seek Jesus in times of trouble?

November 26, 2023: A Humble Prayer

A Humble Prayer

Mike Giesenhagen

November 26, 2023

Daniel 9

1.  God Wants __________ ___________ ____________.

2.  ________________ is _______________ to _________

3.  Our ________________ Brings ___________________

4.  God’s ______________ > Our _______________

5.  God _____________ Our _________________

6.  God _______________ His __________________


  1. Daniel was moved by the plight of Jerusalem and the 70 years of desolation from Jeremiah 25:11-12.  What part of God’s will in the Scripture motivates your heart?

  2. What does confession look like in your prayer life? How does your prayer life look like Daniel 9?  How is it different?

  3. According to Daniel’s prayer, who/what is responsible for the scorn and shame God’s people are experiencing during the Exile?

  4. How does Daniel’s prayer reflect his prioritization of God’s goodness?  What does the prayer teach about who God is?  What does it reveal about God’s people?

  5. How does God respond to Daniel’s prayer?  How can this be an encouragement to us?

  6. What hope can we cling to from the vision given to Daniel in 9:24-27?

November 19, 2023: Thanksgiving Sharing Service

This service was not recorded but we would like to provide the scripture used as we began our testimony time and questions that can be used for personal reflection or in a small group setting.

His Love Endures Forever

Mike Giesenhagen

November 19, 2023

Psalm 136


  1. How can you give praise to God as we move into the Christmas season?

  2. How has God delivered you from and through difficult circumstances this year?

  3. How has God guided you as you make difficult decisions this year?

  4. How has the LORD provided for you in unexpected ways?

  5. How has the LORD given you opportunities to share him with others this year?  Who would you like to pray for opportunities for?

  6. What are you thankful for?

November 12, 2023: The GOAT

Daniel 8


Mike Giesenhagen

November 5, 2023

Daniel 8

1.  The Ram:

2.  The Goat with the Big Horn:

3.  The Little Horn:

4.  The Point:


  1. Where does Daniel receive this vision?  Who is Belshazzar (see Daniel 5)?

  2. Where is Susa?  And how is it different from Babylon?  What empire is Susa a part of?

  3. What’s the implied Good News of Daniel 8:9-12?  What has to happen before the “little horn” can persecute God’s people in the “Beautiful Land”?

  4. What makes this vision difficult to stomach?  What might lead to Daniel’s exhaustion in 8:29?

  5. Additional Study: Antiochus Epiphanes.  1 Maccabees 1-6 (Look it up on biblegateway.  While 1 Maccabees is not authoritative as Scripture, it can be helpful as a historical text) How does the story of Antiochus Epiphanes reflect what we see in Daniel 8?

November 5, 2023: Bad News - Good News

Daniel 7

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

Bad News, Good News

Mike Giesenhagen

November 5, 2023

Daniel 7

1.  The Beasts are __________ _______________.

2.  God is the ________________ of ___________.

3.  God’s ________________ is ________________.

4.  ____________ is the ___________ of ___________.


  1. How did the imagery of the beasts and the horn affect Daniel?  How does it make you feel?  Why do you feel that way?

  2. What is discomforting about considering the beasts as a Christian today?  What are some of the telltale signs of the “little horn” in Daniel 7?

  3. What are some of the attributes of God demonstrated in Daniel 7?  How can these attributes be an encouragement to us today?

  4. What is the outcome of Daniel’s vision?  Who is victorious?  How was victory achieved?  What is the role of the Church in the victory?

  5. What is the end result for the holy people of the Most High?

  6. Additional Study: Son of Man.  Jesus gives himself the title “Son of Man” throughout the Gospels (especially Matthew).  How do Daniel 7 and the Son of Man passages demonstrate who Jesus is?  (e.g. Matt 9:6, 12:8, 16:27, 28:18)

October 29, 2023: Faithfulness to God

Daniel 6

The Lions’ Den

Mike Giesenhagen

October 29, 2023

Daniel 6

1.  ________________ _________________.

2.  ____________ is _______________.

a.  ____________ is ____________________.

b.  ____________ is ____________________.

3.  Courage _______________ on _______________.

4.  _______________ Belongs to _____________.

5.  _______________ Belongs to _____________.


  1. What does integrity look like in today’s world?  How did Daniel demonstrate integrity in Daniel 6?

  2. What lengths do people go to in order to sin?  How might they rationalize their behavior?  How have you seen people cover it up?

  3. Have you ever regretted a sinful decision in your life?  How did you recognize the sin?  How did you respond?

  4. How does Daniel rely on God in Daniel 6?  How do we see God provide for him?

  5. How does God demonstrate his justice in this chapter?  Who benefits?  Who is punished?

  6. How does the decree reflect God’s character?  What other attributes of God should we praise?

  7. Additional Study: Darius makes a vow to uphold his decree.  What do the Scriptures tell us about making vows?  (Deut 23:21-21, Matt 5:33-37)  What other examples of foolish vows do we see in the Scripture? (1 Sam 14:24-28, Judges 11:29-39)  How would Darius have benefited from this understanding of making similar vows?

October 22, 2023: Remembering Zion

Psalm 137 by Herb Bloomquist

Remembering Zion

Herb Bloomquist

October 22, 2023

Psalm 137

1.  By the rivers of Where? ______________________.

2.  Those people at that church really aren’t ____________________________________________.

3.  Zion originally was ___________________________.

a.  The city of _____________________ became known as Zion.

b.  The ________________ was nicknamed Zion.

c.  Jesus is the ______________________ of Zion.

d.  Our new Zion is ________________________.


Ice breaker: When was the last time you looked at your situation and wondered how you got there?

  1. In what areas as a believer do you sometimes not live up to what you had hoped you would?

  2. How often do you reflect on your ultimate home, heaven (Zion)? How would keeping focused on heaven help you in the areas you struggle with in question 1?

  3. Additional study: Read and reflect on Hebrews 12 (yep, the whole chapter!).

October 15, 2023: Honor God

Daniel 5

Holy Reverence

Mike Giesenhagen

October 15, 2023

Daniel 5

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. -Proverbs 9:10

1.  God’s __________________ is ________________

2.  Human _______________ ___________ __________

3.  Perfect ____________ ≠ Perfect ________________

4.  Be ___________ or Be ________________. 


1.   What does it mean to “fear God”?  What would be some good examples of this today?  What are some ways that people do not show reverence for God?

2.   If you were to encounter God face to face, how do you think you would respond?  How do others respond in the Scriptures when they encounter God?  (e.g. Exod 3, Isa 6, Ezek 1)

3.   When confronted with troubles in Daniel the kings often turn to the wise men of the kingdom.  How do people deal with stress and uncertainty today?

4.   What are some examples of people who knew the right answer, but it did not lead to the right response?  When do we see this in Scripture?  When do we see this in our lives today?

5.   What can we learn from the example of Belshazzar?  How does God respond to humanity’s lack of reverence? How should we respond instead?

October 8, 2023: Be Humble or Be Humbled

Daniel 4

Be Humble or Be Humbled

Mike Giesenhagen

October 8, 2023

Daniel 4

1.  This is ___________________’s __________________.

2.  Our ______________ is ________-____________.

3.  Our _______________ is _________________.

4.  Be ___________ or Be ________________.

5.  The _____________ _________________ Us.


1.   When was the last time you shared your testimony?  How is God’s saving power evident in your story?

2.   Prayer Project: What circumstances in your life are you thankful for?  What circumstances are more difficult to thank God for? 

3.   How have you tried to make yourself righteous?  How has God helped you in your discipline and obedience toward Him?

4.   What can we learn from Nebuchadnezzar’s fall from power?  What was the issue that led to his fall?

5.   Who is responsible for Nebuchadnezzar’s restoration?  How can that be an encouragement to us today?

6.   What are some ways that we might be tempted toward pride, instead of humility, before God?

October 1, 2023: Through the Fire

Daniel 3

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

Through the Fire

Mike Giesenhagen

October 1, 2023

Daniel 3

1.  ___________ ____________ for ______________.

a.  Be __________ of _________ ______________.

b.  _____________ the __________________.

2.  ___________ ___________ in the _____________.

3.  We’re Delivered ____________ the Fire

a.  God is __________ in our _____________.

b.  It __________________ our ____________.

c.  _________ is ___________________.

d.  _____________ Come Through __________ __________.


1.   How can we identify idols in our lives?  What idols do we see in our society?  What idols are common among Christians?

2.   How do we guard against idolatry in our own hearts?

3.   How do Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego respond to the king’s questions

4.   How does God respond to the king’s idolatry?  What happens to the golden image?

5.   How does God deliver Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the hands of Nebuchadnezzar?  How would you feel if you went through this process?

6.   Which part of God’s deliverance is most encouraging to you?  Which part is most challenging for you?

7.   What other examples of God’s deliverance through difficult circumstances do we see in the Bible? What does this teach us about how God works?

September 24, 2023: God of the Impossible

Daniel 2

God of the Impossible

Mike Giesenhagen

September 24, 2023

Daniel 2

1.  The King’s ________________ ________.

a.  People are ____________________.

b.  People Have _______________ ____________

c.  People are ______________ _______________

Theological Truth:

2.  Daniel ________________ in ________________.

Theological Truth:

3.  God ______________ the _____________ _________

Theological Truth:

4.  God ______________ His ___________.

Theological Truth:

5.  The ___________ ___________________.

Theological Truth:


1.   Ice Breaker: Have you ever been faced with an impossible task?  What was the task?  How did you respond?

2.   What does this chapter teach us about humanity?  How do the king and his wise men demonstrate the ways of the world?

3.   How does Daniel respond to the threat against his life?

4.   What does Daniel’s psalm of praise show us about God’s character?  (vv 19-23)

5.   What does Daniel’s ability to understand Nebuchadnezzar’s dream teach us about God?

6.   What is the big idea from the interpretation of the dream?  How can this be an encouragement to us today?

7.   What does the king’s response to Daniel teach us about God in Daniel 2?  How can this be an encouragement to us today?

September 17, 2023: The Lord is Faithful

The LORD is Faithful

Mike Giesenhagen

September 17, 2023

Daniel 1

1.  The LORD is _________________ _______________.

2.  We are Called to ______________ ____________.

3.  God ____________ to our ____________________.

4.  God’s ________________ is ___________________.


1.   Ice Breaker: Have you ever felt like you didn’t fit in with the people around you?  What was it like?

2.   Additional Study: 2 Kings 17-25.  What do these chapters teach us about the context of the book of Daniel?  What happened to Israel and Judah?  Why is Daniel in exile?

3.   How does Daniel respond to his immersion in Babylonian culture?  How does he make his stand in the midst of his circumstance? 

4.   How does God respond to Daniel and the others’ act of faithfulness?

5.   What positive results come of Daniel’s decision?  What circumstances remain unchanged?

6.   How can we be encouraged by the longevity of Daniel’s ministry?

September 10, 2023: God's Goodness or Ours?

Jonah 4

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

Mercy and Justice

Mike Giesenhagen

September 10, 2023

Jonah 4

1.  God’s __________ > Our ______________.

2.  We Cannot _________________ _________.

3.  God Loves His _____________ ____________. 


1.   How have we seen God’s mercy in the book of Jonah?  What does this teach us about his character?

2.   Prayer Project: Are there any people (individuals or groups) who you would struggle to see receive God’s mercy?  What would make this difficult for you?

3.   Is Jonah’s anger justified in Jonah 4?  What might contribute to his anger?  How does God respond?

4.   How does Jonah try to convince God to do what he wants?  Have you ever tried to bargain with God?

5.   What does the lesson of the plant demonstrate about Jonah?  How can we learn from his error?

6.   What do we learn about God’s character from how he sees Nineveh in Jonah 4:10-11?

September 3, 2023: The Shortest Effective Service

Jonah 3

Pastor Mike Giesenhagen

Second Chances

Mike Giesenhagen

September 3, 2023

Jonah 3

1.  God is the ____________________  ____________.

2.  God’s ______________ > Human _______________.

3.  Faith is the _____________ of __________________.

4.  God’s ____________ is a ______________. 


1.   Ice Breaker: Have you ever gotten a second chance?  Do you wish you had a second chance to do something?  What happened?

2.   How have we seen God’s sovereignty in the book of Jonah?  What are other examples of his sovereignty in the Scriptures?

3.   Why did the Ninevites respond to the message Jonah preached? 

4.   Who would you expect to respond to God’s call in this story?  Jonah?  Or the Ninevites?  What do we see happen in Jonah 3?

5.   What does it mean to “believe in God”?

6.   Prayer Project: God shows mercy to Jonah and the Ninevites alike.  What does this teach us about his grace and mercy?

August 27, 2023: God in Our Distress

Back From the Dead

Mike Giesenhagen

August 27, 2023

Jonah 1:17-2:10

 1.  God is the _____________ _____________________.

 2.  God ____________ our __________________.

 3.  God ___________ Us from _____________ ________

 4.  ________________ Comes From ________________.


 1.   How did Jonah survive being thrown overboard?  Who saved him?  What does this tell us about his savior?

 2.   Have you ever noticed God answering your prayers?  What happened?  Have you ever felt like your prayers went unanswered?  How did you respond?

 3.   How serious was Jonah’s condition in the sea?  How does he describe it in his prayers?

 4.   What good things can we learn from Jonah’s prayer?  What parts of his prayer might point to his own pride?

 5.   Prayer Project: What does it mean to say “Salvation comes from the LORD”?  How does that affect our personal life in Christ?  How should that affect the way we see the world around us?

August 20, 2023: No Port in This Storm

Jonah 1

No Port in This Storm

Mike Giesenhagen

August 20, 2023

Jonah 1

 1.  ______________ is Rooted in ________ _________.

 2.  _________ Wants Our _________________.

 3.  God’s ____________ is __________________.

 4.  __________, ____________, or ______________.


 1.   Jonah fled from God’s command (1:3).  What might cause people to run from God’s commands?  What might cause them to run from his presence?

 2.   What misunderstandings of God might cause people to run from him instead of toward him?  How can these misunderstandings be corrected?

 3.   Has God ever gotten your attention in a notable or significant way?  What was it that got your attention?  What did he reveal to you in that time?

 4.   How have you seen God demonstrate his sovereignty in your life?  How does the LORD demonstrate his sovereignty over other gods, humanity, and nature itself?

 5.   Prayer Project: Have you had moments in your life where you tried to run from God?  Have you even been resigned to your fate before God?  When have you surrendered yourself to God?  What’s the difference?