April 28, 2024: Death Into Life

Ephesians 2:1-10

Death Into Life

Mike Giesenhagen

April 28, 2024

Ephesians 2:1-10 

1.   Humanity is _______________  __________ _________.

a.  People are ___________ in _________________ and __________.

b.  People are _______________ by ___________.

c.  People are ____________ to _____ ___________.

2.   God Gives Us ____________ _____________.

a.  God Makes Us ____________ in _____________.

b.  God’s Gift Flows from ________ _____________.

c.  God’s ________ is _________, Not ____________.

d.  God Has a _____________ For Our ___________. 


  1. What does Paul mean when he says “you were dead in your transgressions and sins”?

  2. What are the entities that tempt us toward sin?  How are they different?  How are they related?

  3. What is God’s wrath?  How would you explain it to someone?  What does the Gospel teach us about God’s wrath?

  4. What does new life in Christ look like?

  5. Why does God give us new life, according to Ephesians 1:1-2:10?

  6. How do you interpret Ephesians 2:8-9?  What do they mean for us today?